

Here you can find and download materials including slides from research presentations, papers, Praat scripts, and teaching materials.


Prosodic structure in spontaneous speech: Phrase-final marking, word-initial glottalization and vowel deletion in Chichicastenango K'iche' (Wood 2024, PhD thesis)
Audio files (PhD thesis)
Vowels and Stress in Chichicastenango K'iche' (Wood 2020, MA thesis)

Presentation slides

Acentuación y cualidad vocálica en el k'iche' de Chichicastenango (Wood 2024, SSLA 4)
Stress and vowel quality in Chichicastenango K'iche' (Wood 2024, SSLA 4, English translation)
Realización fonética de fricativas glotales en maya yucateco (Walters, Wood & Wilder 2024, FAMLi VII)
Vocales y oclusivas glotales en posición inicial de palabra en el k'iche' de Chichicastenango (Wood 2023, CILLA X)
Glotalización inicial de palabra en k'iche' (maya) (Wood 2023, XV CILG)
Status suffixes at the syntax-prosody interface: a corpus study of Chichicastenango K'iche' (Wood 2023, CLS 59)
Perceptual salience of creak and duration as prosodic boundary cues in English and Spanish (Wood, Crowhurst & Walters 2022, LSA 2022)


Vowel-initial words and glottalization: a corpus study of Chichicastenango K'iche' (Wood 2023, ICPhS)


Formant script
Voice quality script

Teaching materials

Original problem sets based on Mayan languages
Handout: English IPA cheat sheet
Handout: Common phonological features
Handout: Flowchart for solving phonology problems (adapted from similar document by Paige Erin Wheeler)
Handout: Constituency tests and tests to distinguish complements and adjuncts


The K'iche' Collection of Elizabeth Wood (archive deposit for the Chichicastenango K'iche' language documentation Project)
K'iche' (Wood & Orduña 2019), promotional video about the K'iche' language and Mayan backstrap weaving, made in collaboration with the Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America and K'iche' speakers Manuel de Jesus Tahay Gómez and Isabel Tzaj Guarchaj